Thank you
Thank you for visiting our website and thank you for your generous gift!
We will ensure that this gift be directed towards the appropriate ministry need.
We are grateful that you have chosen to partner with us financially. We value your partnership and pray that you will continue to uphold us in this vital mission. Because of gifts like yours, children are receiving a Christian education, the gospel is being preached to the unreached and National leaders are being trained and encouraged.
Our National Board is dedicated to ensuring all gifts are properly allocated to their intended projects. When a project is complete, funds in excess of designated project expenditures may be reallocated to other Board approved projects. Eight percent of each gift is allocated to the general fund to ensure all AFC Canada ministries and projects are properly administered and made accountable to our donors.
Remember the scripture's promise: "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25).
Rev. Brian D. Hamilton
National Director
We will ensure that this gift be directed towards the appropriate ministry need.
We are grateful that you have chosen to partner with us financially. We value your partnership and pray that you will continue to uphold us in this vital mission. Because of gifts like yours, children are receiving a Christian education, the gospel is being preached to the unreached and National leaders are being trained and encouraged.
Our National Board is dedicated to ensuring all gifts are properly allocated to their intended projects. When a project is complete, funds in excess of designated project expenditures may be reallocated to other Board approved projects. Eight percent of each gift is allocated to the general fund to ensure all AFC Canada ministries and projects are properly administered and made accountable to our donors.
Remember the scripture's promise: "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25).
Rev. Brian D. Hamilton
National Director